54 point drop in cholesterol level in 3 months!

Last December I got a cholesterol test. I was shocked to see it at 187.

I determined to bring it down.

So, for the past 3 months I have been on an awesome diet. I’ve lost 13 pounds. I pull my belt buckle in another notch. My abs are ripped. I feel awesome.

Last Friday (April 2) I got another cholesterol test. Today I got the results: 133. Ha! My cholesterol dropped 54 points in 3 moths! Yippee!

Here’s how I did it:


Freshly squeezed OJ

4 egg whites (hardboiled eggs, discard the yolk)

Brown rice


Vegetable soup (homemade, made creamy using milk made with cashews)

Low-carb brownies


 Steamed boneless, skinless chicken

Frozen mixed vegetables

Fat-free yogurt

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